Internationals Poster
International community within Northgate church
Caravan Park Sign
Logo Vector Update
Grooming Place
Thank You Postcards
Custom illustrations of team members for Volunteer Thank You postcards
History Group Map
Soul Club Logo
Northgate What's On posters
WildFolk Calendar
Northgate Values Posters
Kingdom Heating Logo
Church Banners
Blacon Art Trail Logo
Impact Report
Family Links 19-20 report on what they have achieved in the last year.
Keeping Connected Logo
CD Artwork
Artwork for "Hold Me Father" Lou Campion's debut single.
Church Logo
Logo and branding for Christ Church Pitsmoor, Sheffield.
Tenacious Love
Logo and style for Tenacious Love conference as well as print and digital artwork
Presence HOP
Logo design and website for a House of Prayer in Chester
Logo for church in Connecticut, USA, plus various print and digital marketing for events and services
Book Cover - Broken Pieces
Design for Front and Back cover of book "Broken Pieces"
Trinity Laban
Using established Trinity Laban branding; leaflets, prospectus, programmes etc.
Family Links
Parent and teacher education resources for emotional health of children and teenagers. Update of resources, A1 boards, workbooks and annual reports. Worked with Family Links for 4 years now.
One Reason Campaign
Using Smokefree national branding and colours, bus stop posters, billboards, postcards and other materials
First Class Education
Flyers/marketing for a class to help get students into Oxford or Cambridge Universities, to suit current branding and logo styles.
Public Health Bristol
Leaflet describing what PH-Bristol do - with no branding or logo so created a look from scratch, with colours and illustrations.
African Revival
Using African Revival branding, posters, flyers and web banners adding some extra design style with the chalk text
The Elder Tree
Logo design for a social enterprise in Bedminster, Bristol. A tool library and classes with elderly people teaching skills to younger people.
Ordination Invitation
Personal commission for an invite to an ordination service (becoming a priest) I was given some images that inspired the flames and the waves. Hand drawn elements mixed with text and textures.
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